The Office

Burger King Miami and Ken Hortons in Toronto Canada in the office.  It’s not always easy but, it’s always fun to see what you can come up with.

Menu Food Photography

If your restaurant is local or international, I would like to show you how I can make your food look fantastic.  Having a great food stylist helps too.


Product photography in the studio or on location.  I have a well equipped studio for creating your ideal background for your product.  Full kitchen that makes food photography a breeze.  With Broncolor lighting pulled from the ceiling doing a product job, got a whole lot easier.

Food Photography

What's for Dinner

Food Photography –  has always been one of my passions.  I love the whole concept of making someone hungry though the use of photography.

Categorized as Food

Perfect Burger – Burger King

79398 BK #5

Townsend  Photographics taking pictures for Corporate Burger King for over 30 years.  During that time Terry photographed, POP’s, training, events, menu displays, publications, portraits.  Terry’s other company TPI Multimedia produced a interactive DVD, ” The Perfect Fries,” utilizing stills, video and animation into a interactive training for their potato vendors.  Recently I shot for FutureStep, and we photographed recruitment posters and business operations for Tim Horton, sister company to BK in Canada.  We also photographed business operations at the corporate headquarters in Miami.

Categorized as Food

Fun Snacks

Food can be fun.  Bold colors make the image pop.  Working with my client to create a image for his packaging.  Working with a great food stylist is always a must.  We act as a team to make your product look great.

Categorized as Food


Photographing food is a real team effort.  Food stylist are very important part of the process, stylist work with the photographer to achieve the look the client wants.  Everyone loves food, so that makes it easy.  Because if it looks yummy to us, you know it’s going to be fantastic.

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